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Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
18 раз
Bob Marley - No Woman No Cry
'Cause I remember when we used to sit
In the government yard in Trenchtown
Oba, ob-serving the hypocrites
As they would mingle with the good people we meet
Good friends we have had, oh good friends we've lostalong the way
In this bright future you can't forget your past
So dry your tears I say
No woman, no cry
No woman, no cry
Little darlin' don't shed no tears
No woman, no cry
Said, said, said I remember when we used to sit
In the government yard in Trenchtown
And then Georgie would make the fire light
Log wood burnin' through the night
Then we would cook corn meal porridge
Of which I'll share with you
My feet is my only carriage
So I've got to push on through
But while I'm gone...
Ev'rything's gonna be alright
Ev'rything's gonna be alright
Ev'rything's gonna be alright
Ev'rything's gonna be alright
Ev'rything's gonna be alright
Ev'rything's gonna be alright
Ev'rything's gonna be alright
Ev'rything's gonna be alright
So, no woman, no cry
No, no woman, no woman, no cry
Oh, little darling, don't shed no tears
No woman, no cry
No woman, no woman, no woman, no cry
No woman, no cry
Oh, my little darlin' please don't shed no tears
No woman, no cry, yeah
Только что просулшал альбом "The Silent Force" Within Temptation – потрясающая музыка. Жаль, на местном FTP только этот альбом, другие придется искать другими путями.
The Swan Song – Within Temptation
Winter has come for me, can't carry on.
The chains to my life are strong but soon they'll be gone.
I'll spread my wings one more time.
Is it a dream?
All the ones I have loved calling out my name.
The sun warms my face.
All the days of my life, I see them passing me by.
In my heart I know I can let go.
In the end I will find some peace inside.
New wings are growing tonight.
Is it a dream?
All the ones I have loved calling out my name.
The sun warms my face.
All the days of my life, I see them passing me by.
As I am soaring I'm one with the wind.
I am longing to see you again, it's been so long.
We will be together again.
Is it a dream?
All the ones I have loved calling out my name.
The sun warms my face.
All the days of my life, I see them passing me by.
О мудрейший из Ангелов, дух без порока,
Тот же Бог, но не чтимый, игралище рока,
Вождь изгнанников, жертва неправедных сил,
Побежденный, но ставший сильнее, чем был,
Исцелитель страдальцев, обиженных мститель,
Все изведавший, бездны подземной властитель,
Из любви посылающий в жизни хоть раз
Прокаженным и проклятым радостный час,
Сатана, помоги мне в безмерной беде!
Зажигающий смертнику мужеством взор -
Не казнимым, но тем, кто казнит, на позор,
Закрывающий пропасть гигантскою дланью
От сомнамбул, вдоль края бродящих по зданью,
Узнающий в завистливых толщах приметы
Подземелий, где Бог утаил самоцветы,
Сквозь граниты умеющий в недрах прозреть
Арсеналы, где дремлют железо и медь,
Сатана, помоги мне в безмерной беде!
Давший людям в смешенье селитру и серу,
Чтоб народ облегчил своих горестей меру,
Вызывающий в девушках странным дурманом
Доброту к нищете, сострадание к ранам,
Бунтарей исповедник, отверженных друг,
Покровитель дерзающих мысли и рук,
Отчим тех невиновных, чью правду карая,
Бог-отец и доныне их гонит из рая.
Зло есть зло.
Ты думаешь иначе - тебе повезло.
До сих пор
Ты держишь в руках мой тяжелый топор.
Сколько вас,
Живущих в мире не в первый раз?
Вновь и вновь
Станете вы проливать свою кровь.
Настанет день, наступит миг:
Перед собой увидишь ты мой мрачный лик.
И грянет гром, и черный дым
Опустит занавес над праздником моим.
Будет так!
Играющий жизнью последний дурак.
Каждый день
Видна над землей моя серая тень.
Падай ниц:
Страшен мой взгляд из горящих глазниц.
Сквозь века
Ведет вас к паденью моя рука.
Близится время, мой час настает.
Властно, призывно мой колокол бьет.
Демон сверкающий видится мне.
Все полыхает в дыму и огне.
В войне!
She brought the Night hidden in her sad Wolf eyes
The perfume of a twilight, her strongest scent
Half Wolf, Half female - what a strange wedding
Mother Nature that offered us to see...
Her mask lays lost in a fatal dawn
Closed were the eyes of the Sun. He sleeps.
And in the name of Her Father.
She will kill. My child kills.
Your nightly birth. A requiem God can№t forget.
For your life is but a celebration of his death.
Without his thorns in her heart. She wears a shadow as face.
A werewolf masquerade. In her eyes the wolfshade.
She brought the Night and by the night was brought
We are but children of the powers she had set free
Strange are the ways of the wolfhearted...
Stay Heavy!
Wistan Lizard Сообщений: 1734 Город: Zelenograd St. 15.07.2005 16:44
Girl, you're my angel, you're my darlin' angel
Closer than my peeps, You are to me,baby
Girl, you're my angel, you're my darlin' angel
Girl, you're my friend when I'm in need, lady
Life is on big party when you're still young
But who's gonna have your back when it's all done?
It's all good when you're little, you have pure fun
Can't be a fool son, what about the long run?
Looking back, shorty always mentoin
Said me not, givin'her much attention
She was there thruogh my incarceration
I wanna show da nation, my appreciation
Girl, you're my angel,you're my darlin' angel
Closer than my peeps, you are to me,baby
Girl, you're my angel, you're my darlin' angel
Girl, You're my friend when I'm in need, lady
You're a queen and so you should be treated
Though you never got the lovin' that you needed
Should've left, but I called and you heeded
Begged and I pleaded, mission completed
Mama said, that I was the problem
Not the type to mess around with her emotion
But the feeling that I have for you is so strong
Been together so long, this cold never be wrong
Girl you're my angel, you're my darlin' angel
Closer than m peeps you are to me, baby
Girl you're my angel, you're my darlin' angel
Girl, you're my friend when I'm in need, lady
Girl, in spite of my behavior,say that I'm you're savior
You must be sent from up above
And you appear tome so tender, so girl i surrender
Thanks for givin' me you're love
Girl, in spite of my behavior, say that I'm you're savior
You must be sent from up above
And you appear to me so tender, yeah girl I surrender
Said thanks for givin' me you're love
Girl you're my angel, you're my darlin' angel
Closer than my peeps, you are to me, baby
Girl, you're my angel, you're my darlin' angel,
Girl, you're my friend when I'm in need, lady
Life is one big party when you're still young
But who's gonna have you're back when it's all done?
Lookin' bac sorty always mention
Said me not givin'her much attention
She was there through my incarceration
I wanna show da' nation, my appreciation